Category Archives: Flat avatars

Jonny Breeze

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet…
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Jamie Harvey

Jamie Harvey is a director at Bubble Boys who helped invest into Bubble Football and is currently maintaining his role of Head of…
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Ben Davy From Bubble Boys

Ben Davy

Ben Davy is a founding director and co-owner of Bubble Boys Ltd, a London-based start-up that specialises in affordable Bubble Football events and…
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Zac Wilson From Bubble Boys

Zac Wilson

Zac Wilson is a founding director and co-owner of Bubble Boys Ltd, a London-based start-up that specialises in affordable Bubble Football events and…
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Nick Watkins from Bubble Boys

Nick Watkins

Nick Watkins is a founding director and co-owner of Bubble Boys Ltd, a London-based start-up that specialises in affordable Bubble Football events and…
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